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Student Visionaries of the Year Greater Los Angeles

Student Visionaries of the Year

Visionaries look to the future—and see infinite possibility.

They challenge the status quo—and make the impossible possible.

They boldly imagine a better world – and lead the charge to create it.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) was built on that same vision - of a better world - one without blood cancers.

Through our Student Visionaries of the Year campaign, we are excited to recognize these young leaders for being what we need most, visionaries.

Student Visionaries of the Year is a philanthropic leadership development program through which highly motivated, high-school leaders embark on a journey of professional growth, fostering professional skills such as entrepreneurship, marketing, and project management all while working to raise as much as possible for LLS’s mission.

These tenacious young changemakers fundraise for LLS in honor of blood cancer survivors. The titles Student Visionaries of the Year are awarded to the candidate teams who raise the most funds in their community during the 7-week competition.


Congratulations to our Los Angeles Student Visionaries of the Year!!!

Grand Finale Photo








Thank you to our In-Kind Sponsor


Meet the Candidates

Shiara Navarro
Team Families for Faith
Team Alyssa and Becky
Team Change Cancer's Course
Sawyer Grayson
Team Sky's the Limit Squad
Dane Shepard
Team Strikeout Cancer
Kickoff Event
Grand Finale



The Kellwood Foundation
The Kellwood Foundation
Jeffrey and Amy Harrow
Jeffrey and Amy Harrow
Linda Tallen Kane Family Foundation
Linda Tallen Kane Family Foundation
Mary Wu
Mary Wu
Frank Li
Frank Li
Complete Clothing Company
Complete Clothing


Blue Cable Circle
Blue Cable Circle